Friday, June 13, 2008


Makerere University has frequently been referred to as the ‘Harvard of East Africa’. This is because it is the maiden and oldest university in the region.

It has produced numerous professionals, academics and scholars, in Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda. But certain features distingishMakerere . A major feature is the ivory tower- its trade mark. On the main building where administrative offices are.

Of great interest are the sculptures on campus .These are as a result of academicians, who sought a different way of communication. Since the introduction of Margaret Trowell School of industrial and fine arts by British Artist and teacher in 1937, there has been more art in the scene. A visit to this school tells it all. Every year, 3rd year students undertake projects where they came up with different sculptures and artwork, with different messages and themes. They then display them at their school.

Others are at the halls of residence .They refer to their names and portray a sense of solidarity. In Mitchell known as ‘rats’ rests a sculpture of a rat, complex a crocodile ,Nkrumah sculpture of Kwame Nkrumah, a great African leader, Livingston of David Livingston,the famous explorer among others

War victims are also honoured by professor Francis Xavier Nnaggenda, a former head of Margaret Trowell School . ‘To remember the lives of those lost in war and resilience of the human spirit in Uganda” is the inscription on it. It is made of wood and located at the main Library level three.

It consists of a human body with one leg, both hands, and the head chopped off. It captures the academic repression suffered because of political and economic instability from 1970s to 1980s.

This was during the reign of president Idi Amin.Numerous scholars whom Amin saw as a threat were assassinated .Those who survived, fled to neighbouring countries and abroad to escape his wrath .

Hatching a new generation.

It is the most conspicuous sculpture. It leaves many unanswered questions. Designed by Professor George Kakooza, it consists of a bird roosting on her newly hatched chicks. Sits at the round about between Faculty of science, Department of Chemistry, Institute of Statistics and Applied Economics and East African Library School.

It is made of copper, brass, steel and concrete. It was completed in 1998, during the platinum jubilee celebration of the university. It tends to expound on the Makerere Motto: "We build for the future."Makerere university is a Broody bird which hatches, the chicks are the students, who are hatched after been incubated for a period of education and training.

Through this process professionals keep on increasing and so, building for the future and new generation.

The library.

Superimposed on the wall of the new library, it consists of a portrait of a lady and a gentleman reading a book. It simply depicts that you are entering the heart of the knowledge. It prepares you to adjust to the new environment, observe silence .

Other numerous sculptures are at the Trowell school. Little is known about them. They contain diverse and interesting messages. On the face of it, they might look plain and lack meaning. However, a careful examination and interpretation of their themes reveals a lot.

Sculpture communication is growing at a high rate. Both as artwork and for public communication. Unlike in the past where sculptures were only representatives of cultures, creativity and desire to have a unique message packaging, and technology advancement has led to proliferation of sculptures.

Their durability is also another factor and is in deed cutting a niche in the media.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008


It is barely two weeks after Makerere Kenyan Student Association (MUKESA) held its election. This particular election was unique and had a lot to be desired. Owing to the political crisis, a replica of what had happened back home was likely to re surface.

It was the second attempt after nullification of elections held on 13th April 2007.The grounds on which led to nullification was alleged rigging by a police officer. The poor officer had tried to salvage a ballot paper from being destroyed by the rain, after a voter had missed the box, in a heavy downpour at the freedom square.

A section of voters went wild, brought a lot of confusion and unrest .Some advocated for counting of the already cast votes, others for the process to continue. But some who carried the day burnt the subject in controversy –votes.

All these were just mere excuses. Tribalism and tribal chiefs had either missed their targets or were too smart for their opponents. What followed there after was pure ethnicity and refined tribalism .Grand coalition was formed to counter, what it’s architects called tribalism. But which turned to be promoting and igniting it instead.

Re-allignments were made. All those who had a lot in common belonged to a particular block. If your language ,name, place of origin ,tribe had some similarity ,you were automatically qualified to join one of the groups-like matching parties as opposed to like minded parties.

For those who were against the wind, they were swept to the dessert of political failure. It did not matter whether you belonged to your legitimate group(based on your tribe and it’s allies),but as long as you were in an illegitimate group(of rival tribes and allies)you simply had no votes. The few you managed were by intellectual voters who were not swayed by the wave of tribalism, but who judged you according to your ability to deliver.

You became an enemy of your own tribe mates .Reason being you was denying them power. Freedom of association was no longer at large. Those who purported to advocate for it, were seen as outcasts and traitors of their tribe and society at large. What mattered most was ethnocentrism .Political intelligence sounded stupid, ethnicity filled the air, and tension was allover awaiting the opening of the ballot box.

The process of escorting the ballot box from freedom square to Nkrumah hall proved hectic. Everyone claimed to be an independent observer and security officer. The policeman had a lot of support during this moment. If he had vied for any post at this material time, he would have won with a landslide.

On arriving to its destination both the authorized and unauthorized parties forced their way inside. To witness the counting and tallying of votes. They vowed that no malpractice will take place. For the first time in a period of two years in a MUKESA function participants kept mum and observed.

When the presidential candidate was announced, the short grace period was substituted with celebration and agony .No more complaints were registered, indeed the process was free and fair.Of key interest was not the results themselves, but the voting pattern. Tribalism had carried the day. Some candidates were trapped between the two major camps, save for the reasonable voters who saved their day-though they lost courageously.

Despite forming a government of Grand coalition back home, Kenyans did not reflect this. They imported tribalism, redesigned what had happened on December 27 last year. The people supposed to initiate a natural healing and reconciliation were instead burning midnight oil to make it a failure. Selfishness and quest for power was their aim. Little do we know that we belong to belong to the same country-Kenya.

The pride and loyalty we had to our mother country is no longer there.Individualism, clanism, tribalism, and ethnicity should not steal this pride. Slogans such as Najivunia Kuwa Mkenya (Proud to be a Kenyan) have been replaced with navumilia kuwa Mkenya (Patient to be a Kenyan).We must not allow this ideology to mature. Let’s kill it at its infancy.

Let us continue with the fight of Nationalism and loyalty to our country. Love our brothers and sisters alike. Be guided by the philosophy of peace, love, and unity. And since the election is no longer disputed ,lets unfold our hearts to the MUKESA president Shukri Ibrahim and his cabinet, work together, initiate a reconciliation process, bring all parties together as portrayed by the Electoral Chairman .
By means of healthy differences,democracy,accountability and transparency ,because we are all Kenyans ,aren’t we?